Sunday, August 2, 2009

Miles Vs. "The" Social Network

Facebook: The Movie starring Shia Laboeuf as the young upstart who builds a social networking website as a prank that becomes a multi-million dollar investment.

Ok so this isn't a real movie well at least not yet but the in-development film "The Social Network," is just that, an upcoming movie about the creation of Facebook (sorry MySpace but it seems the world has nearly forgotten to you like William Hung or more aptly Myspace is what American Idol is to Justin Guarini) but that is besides the point, you know social networking has got it made when they are making a movie about it. I social network everyday whether it is Facebook, @Twitter or my newest obsession FICLY.
what was going to be a blog about our obsession with social networking I have now decided will be about Ficly, cause what can really be said about our social obsession except were OBSESSED like Beyonce. My aunt facebooks 24/7, celebrities are tweeting 24/7 and everyone is living out their Kerouac fantasies on Ficly.
What makes Ficly fun is that like Twitter, you are only aloud a certain number of characters to write a short story then other people can rate them by pencils (ex: I give your story 3/5 pencils), like Twitter you can also follow Ficly authors. Anyways maybe I didn't really have a chance to conquer the social network today but there is always tomorrow and tomorrow I won't be hungover.

Miles will Return in Miles Vs. The Wild Wild West and others in my should be considered cult films list (some good, some bad, all enteraining)

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